Alexandros Anastasiadis
Alexandros (he/him) is a dance artist raised in Greece. Since
graduating from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2017, he has been living in Brussels and working as a performer and dance maker. He is interested in the body as the place where communication happens, where, playfully, we can renew social relations. In his look for dialogue he is engaging in interdisciplinary collaborations learning and adapting methods and tools from other art forms into the dancing as well as challenging the classical stage format to establish direct contact between performers and audience.
He has been creating within collective structures (La Otra
Familia) and has been working with Jazz and Improv musicians, making improvised shows, research sessions and jams, with an artistic community outreach.
Over the last year he created the group Dans Kapot (along with the
band Don Kapot), which made a series of community and interactive performances. The project is now heading towards a full scale production with the support of Jazzlab and Kaap. His current solo work “the fall in between” is supported by RADAR Mechelen, CC De Faktorij and CC De Spil.
As a performer he has participated in five productions of the
company Ultima Vez and has also worked for Alexandre Vantournhout and Julyen Hamilton.
He was invited to direct dance pieces for educational programmes (State Dance school of Thessaloniki, Greece, Fre3 Bodies in Barcelona, Spain) and worked as an artistic coach for dance creations. He teaches dance both through professional workshops in educational platforms and festivals across Europe and also through classes for children and communities i.e. for the Atelier Kids of Ultima Vez and for Platform K.